Written Before the World Changed


First a short poem:


By the time you read this our world will be a very different place.

The White House will soon be hosting a very different face.


Our lives will be changing in ways we can’t foresee.

The leader may be leading by executive order alone or constitutionally.


The values that are sacred will be one person’s vision to endorse.

The laws that will be honored are the ones that person will enforce.


We will all be beginning a very different ride.

We need to hope and pray that person will be on our side.


My prayer- is for our safety in this world that will unfold.

And that the world will be ruled by the rule that has always been gold!



Though we don’t all think alike, politics in particular can be a uniquely dividing topic.  People’s world views, as well as their personal status and needs, influence greatly what issues they would like addressed by our representatives. And how they’d like them to be resolved.


Some things seem so obvious to some people, while to others it seems so obviously the other way! It’s like each person can’t believe the other is so completely misinformed.


One of the most satisfying moments you can witness is when a person actually finds someone else who is politically on the same page as them. It’s like finding a lonsman from the old country. You almost get the feeling they want to whip out the herring and schnaaps and celebrate.  It’s like sanity has returned to their lives.


Of course the opposite is true as well. Bring two people together whose views are at different ends of the spectrum, and get ready for fireworks- no extra charge!


The frustration level each experiences in trying to bring the other around to their way of seeing things is energy probably better spent in pursuit of cleaning out your garage, or moving a mountain. It just isn’t going to happen.


With that said, I think the one thing that everyone can agree on is that you can’t get people to agree on a shift in their political views, and therefore harping on it is not a worthwhile endeavor…..So how about those Cubs?!


Chicago fans were flying high last week as their team decided to make years, and I do mean years, of following them with little to show for it, finally pay off.


So I leave you with this thought – just when sticking with something seems almost a futile pursuit, I guess the lesson still is that somewhere – Hope springs eternal!


As we enter a new era let’s keep this in mind. Maybe things won’t play out exactly as we think they should – but maybe we can still be winners in the end.



Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com<mailto:rivki@rosenwalds.com

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